Healthy Living Self-Esteem

Focus On Your Positives

You can increase your self-esteem by focusing on your positive qualities. You can overcome self-doubt and turn it into self-esteem with the power of your mind. Think of your recent accomplishments and make mental notes of your past achievements. Notice how you handled a variety of situations, and be proud of your successes. It doesn’t matter how small, just celebrate you.

Your self-confidence will grow each time you make a healthy and positive choice in your life. Don’t allow anger and negativity to block your confidence. Handle situations that may diminish your character before they escalate. You are investing in yourself by setting your personal standard. Make a list of your good qualities. As you are making that list, take notice of how each one boosts your confidence. Remember God created you and you are a beautiful, strong soul with many positive aspects that make you unique. Don’t take it for granted.

You don’t have to compare yourself to anyone else. Make it a point to live free of comparisons to others and their lives. Tell yourself, “I am content with my current situation and abilities. I have replaced perfectionism with reality, so I know what to expect from myself.”

Today, raise your self-esteem by recognizing your talents, strengths, and abilities. You are the only one in the world that have these particular qualities. They make you truly special.

Self-Reflection Questions:

Do others see some positive qualities in me that I haven’t recognized? What are they?
What can I do to avoid comparing my life with the accomplishments of others?
How can I learn to appreciate and recognize my abilities?

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