
Happy New Month

It’s November, and I can hardly believe it. This year has gone by so fast, and it didn’t do what I thought it would do. I take comfort in knowing God is still God, no matter what! As we enter a new month, let’s celebrate making it to this point because so many others didn’t.

Why do we celebrate it being a new month? It’s something they do in Africa. I am not sure about other countries. It’s their way of celebrating life, thanking God, and looking forward to the new blessings that come with a new month. We have to expect great things from God in order to get them. Even if our hope is deferred at times, we should never stop believing. I am expecting great things for this month, and so should you!

What exactly to expect? You should expect something to change in your life. You can’t possibly go month to month to month with the same things taking place in your life. Some things must change, and they have to change now! At what point will you enforce what you want? At what point will you change how you think and control how you feel? Enough is enough, wouldn’t you say? Even if it’s something small. Such as thought blocking. This means taking one thought you know is useless and blocking it. Ex: saying you’re fat when in reality you’re skinny. That thought is working against your self-esteem, and for what reason? It’s not serving you, and you’re not fat. Change is necessary, and your emotions will thank you.

So this new month, let’s raise our expectations! God is good, and He is able to do more than what we can ask or think! “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.” Ephesians 3:20-21

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